Saturday, March 16, 2013

how to get books

I have this on here before, but I'll repeat it.
If you are interested in a book, actually a CD, send an email to me at
Mail address is
RR#1 Glenwood, Nova Scotia , Canada B0W1W0
fax is 902 643 2665
cost is $65 which includes mailing, bank charges etc.. As long as our currencies are withing 10% of each other $US and $Can are at par.
Cheques on any US , Canadian, or European bank in any convertible currency are fine.
In person, you can also pick up copies at the Shelburne Harbour Yacht Club
 I did originally distribute a number of CD's to various booksellers, chandlers and so on, on consignment , but the reality was that they never paid me, so I terminated these arrangements. Writing the guide was never conceived as a money-making operaton, but I have to say this experience was disappointing.
My internet connection, from our sole provider is so slow that I can't send the book out online, and I can't really do paypal either for the same reason
Our mail is a little slower now than it was in Queen Victoria's time, so it may take 2 weeks after I put a CD in the mail for it to reach most parts of the USA.
If you buy a CD you are welcome to print it out, as many times as you want, for your own use without any further royalties