Tuesday, November 22, 2016

how to get books

due to turmoil in my day job, I haven't posted much lately, I will try harder.
The "book" is available on CD or thumb drive
I fyou want one, please send a cheque for $65 US( if outside Canada) or $65Canadian, if in this country. Outside North America, the equivalent of $65US in any convertible currency is fine.
I will need your mailing address.
Like many rural residents in this country, I don't have a fast internet connection and I can't do paypal or dropbox for this reason.
Let me know if you would prefer a CD or thumb drive, as though I am not much into computers, I see that the new ones don't have CD drives in many of them
Canada Post have changed my mailing address, it is now
3759 highway 3
Nova Scotia , Canada

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Willy Krauch

Willy's which recently close because of a lack of a successor in this family owned business, has re-opened. It has be taken over by Comeau Seafood, the second biggest fish processor in the province, and as the guy who owns Comeau likes the products ( which is why he bought it), it is likely to remain a going concern

Mahone Bay

After a long absence, visited Deep Cove, There are now a number of moorings and there is more development. However, it is still a nice anchorage and there is plenty of space between the moorings, There is about  15 feet at low water.

South Shore Marine
The restaurant is closed again, I'm not sure if it will be re-opened. This is one of the few places to get fuel, and because of the number of boats, it is busy. At peak times you may have to wait in line

more updates

Btrooklyn Marina
this is a completely volunteer organisation, there are no staff and the building is unlocked. Overnight fee is now $35 ( cash only) per night, regardless of length. This gets you electricity, internet and showers. Tie up either side of the long floating dock. There is a visitors book and a box to put the money in.
Lahave Yacht Club
It is very economical to tie up here, $20 on one of the three floating docks, $15 on a mooring ball( they are white) regardless of length. The club is kept open at night if you need showers, etc. There is internet, and electricity (15amp only) on the two eastern floating docks. Very good, cheap restaurant and drinks. One of the few places to get fuel. If you draw more than 6 feet , low water is a bit thin for the fuel dock. It's a good place, and they accept all the usual credit cards.
Lunenburg Yacht Club
The fuel dock is on the landward side of the floating docks and you have to approach it from the north. I think they changed its layout and I wouldn't now have any difficulty getting my unhandy little tub alongside. Good showers and a nice bar.


Liscombe Lodge
 Liscombe has been a good place to stop and wait for decent weather for more than half a century. However the marina aspect has been neglected by the present operators and the land-side operation has been poorly marketed. Liscombe is one of three provincially owned resorts that for the last few years have been managed by an American hotel management company. They haven't done this well and the resort is currently up for sale. Anyone's guess what will happen. When I visited last (2015) there was still fuel and Chester was still running the marina. This is a great loss, as the site is beautiful, you can ride out a hurricane here, and I have , and it would be a fine site for year round ecotourism. Unfortunately, the operators concentrated on catering to bus tours and their business model is a failure

Thursday, August 25, 2016

more updates

Haven't posted lately because of turmoil in my day job, but finally a spare afternoon and decent internet access, here's a list, from West to East
The ferry is back, not without controversy, as it's a chartered US navy boat, province pays all the expenses, crew are all U.S. citizens, and Bay Ferries, given the contract to run it , is guaranteed its substantial management fee, no matter what. Many of the details secret and not divulged to the poor schmucks paying the bill, Anyway, it stays in Yarmouth overnight, outbound at 08h, inbound about 20h, local time  ( Z+3), which is one hour ahead of Eastern time . If you are confused after a tiring overnight passage, it is 08h in Yarmouth when it is 07h in Boston. Keep clear of it, like all shoal draft boats it can't manoevre at slow speeds.

Northeast Point
The little bay formed by the causeway is filling in some, need to be careful on the way in and stay close to the causeway

You cannot get fuel in Lockeport , and I don't think this is going to change, Bruce, the owner is trying to sell his whole operation ( restaurant, marina, fishing boat and licence, etc). This means anywhere west of Mahone Bay, the only places for fuel are the Lahave River and Shelburne Yacht clubs, unless you choose to go to Digby, a long detour. Y,all need to carry a number of yellow cans, in case you have to jug it and lug it.

Lunenburg is trying to be a bit more boat friendly. There are now visitors moorings. They are  (mostly ) white, with "boat locker" and the phone #( 902 640 3202) on them. You can also reserve an alongside berth, 902 229 2628. Be advised the alongside berths are quite noisy and the tour operators do not understand "no wake" There is a pretty good grocery store next to the Boat Locker. The Boat  Locker is at 280 Montague Street (one up from the waterfront) and you can tie your dinghy in front of it. You can also buy my book there. The other place for dinghies is just west of the grey "Zwicker" building, and there are garbage containers at both places. This is a vast improvement on a few years ago
I'm not a tech guy, but Even I realise that  most small laptops don't have a CD drive, so I can put the book on a thumb drive, let me know. You can contact me at peter.loveridge@ns.sympatico.ca or by snail mail ( not an exaggeration here) 3759 highway 3, RR#1 Glenwood NS B0W 1W0

more later